2008 Nov 02
Prepositions are words which relate a noun or pronoun (called the object of the preposition) to another word in the sentence. The preposition and the object of the preposition together with any modifiers of the object is known as a prepositional phrase.
Common of the prepositions used in English today. Note that many of the words may also function as other parts of speech. Also note that some prepositions are compound, made up of more than one word.
aboard about above according to across across from after against ahead of along alongside along with amid amidst (?) among apart from |
around aside from as of at atop barring because of before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond |
but by by means of concerning considering despite down during except1 from for in in addition to in back of in front of |
in lieu of in place of in regard(s) to inside in spite of instead of into in view of like near nearby next to of off on |
on account of onto on top of opposite out out of outside owing to over past per prior to regarding round since |
through throughout till to together with toward(s) under underneath until unto up upon with within without |
Many words that are prepositions may be adverbs. This can be confusing when the prepostion to follows on or in or when the preposition on follows up.
The words into, onto, and upon followed by an object are prepositions.
The pairs in to, on to, and up on followed by an object are each made up of an adverb followed by a preposition. The meanings and the grammatical relationships are different from when they are single word prepositions.
He ran in to the building.
(The adverb in modifies ran; to the building tells where he ran in.)He ran into the building.
(He collided with the building; or, into the building tells us where he ran.)Up on the housetop, reindeer pause...
(High on top of the house...)The toy fell upon the ground.
(Here upon just refers to the relative relationship between the toy and the ground, it has nothing to with height. Things seldom fall up...)The car turned onto Main Street.
(The car turned; onto Main Street tells us where the car turned.)He turned on to Tchaikovsky.
(The adverb on modifies turn; to Tchaikovsky tells us to whom he turned on.)