
2008 Nov 02

A pronoun takes the place of a noun in a sentence. In English there are seven different kinds of pronouns.

Possessive Pronouns

Certain pronouns called possessive pronouns show ownership. Some are used alone; some describe a noun.

Used alone: mine yours his hers ours theirs whose
Correct: That computer is hers.
Modify noun: my your his her its our their whose
Correct: That is her computer.

Note that none of the possessive pronouns are spelled with an apostrophe:
   his hers its ours yours theirs whose.
To make a possessive of an indefinite pronoun, add an apostrophe plus s, just as you would for a noun.

    somebody's child
    another's idea 
Note that the words it's and who's exist but are contractions (it's means it is or it has, who's means who is or who has).

Possessive Pronouns with Gerunds

Possessive pronouns are used to describe gerunds. Using the objective case confuses the reader.

Incorrect: You winning in spite of the odds inspired us all.
(Ambiguous and awkward. Do you inspire or does the winning inspire?)

Correct: Your winning in spite of the odds inspired us all.

Incorrect: We could not stand him whining about everything.
(Which could you not stand? Him? or His whining?)
Because of the possible confusion, use possessive pronouns with gerunds.
Correct: We could not stand his whining about everything.
