Up: Limitations of Regular Languages
Previous: Limitations of Regular Languages
Consider the following three languages:
The first language is regular, since it contains only a finite number
of strings.
The third language is also regular, since it is equivalent to the
regular expression (a*)(b*).
The second language consists of all strings which contain a number of
`a's followed by an equal number of `b's.
is not regular
Strategy: Proof by contradiction
Proof: Let us assume that it is regular; then we must
have some set of strings of the form
Suppose such a subset did exist.
- -
- Obviously,
could not contain a mixture of `a's and `b's,
since this would mean that
would have `b's before `a's. Thus,
must consist solely of `a's or solely of `b's.
- -
- Let us assume then that
consists solely of `a's. Then if, for some
we have that
is in
the language, there is no way that
can be in the language,
since this will contain extra `a's without any extra `b's. Thus there
will be no way for
to be in the language for every
- -
- We can use exactly the same argument to refute the supposition that
can consist entirely
of `b's.
Thus we have shown that
cannot consists of `a's `b's or their
mixture; ie no such
exists, and so the Pumping Lemma is not
satisfied. Thus
is not regular.
(Note that we cannot draw any conclusions from the fact that
Up: Limitations of Regular Languages
Previous: Limitations of Regular Languages
James Power