Obviously languages exist which are not regular; Noam Chomsky categorised regular and other languages as follows:
Language Class | Grammar | Automaton |
3 | Regular | NFA or DFA |
2 | Context-Free | Push-Down Automaton |
1 | Context-Sensitive | Linear-Bounded Automaton |
0 | Unrestricted (or Free) | Turing Machine |
This is a hierarchy, so every language of type 3 is also of types 2, 1
and 0; every language of type 2 is also of types 1 and 0 etc.
The distinction between languages can be seen by examining the
structure of the production rules of their corresponding grammar, or
the nature of the automata which can be used to identify them.
As we have discussed, a regular language is one which can be
represented by a regular grammar, described using a regular
expression, or accepted using an NFA or a DFA.
A Context-Free Grammar (CFG) is one whose production rules are of the form:
where is any single non-terminal, and
is any combination
of terminals and non-terminals.
A NFA/DFA cannot recognise strings from this type of language since we
must be able to "remember" information somehow. Instead we use a
Push-Down Automaton which is like a DFA except that we are also
allowed to use a stack.
Context-Sensitive grammars may have more than one symbol on the left-hand-side of their production rules (provided that at least one of them is a non-terminal). However, the production rules must now obey the following:
Since we allow more than one symbol on the left-hand-side, we refer to
those symbols other than the one we are replacing as the context
of the replacement.
The automaton which recognises a context-sensitive language is called
a linear-bounded automaton: this is basically a NFA/DFA which can
store symbols in a list.
Conditions CS1 and CS2 above mean that the sentential form in any
derivation must always increase in length every time a production rule
is applied. This basically means that the size of a sentential form
is bounded by the length of the sentence (ie. word) we are
Since the sentential form cannot thus grow infinitely large before
deriving a sentence, a linear-bounded automaton always uses a finitely-long list as its store.
Free grammars have absolutely no restrictions on their grammar rules,
(except, of course, that there must be at least one non-terminal on
the left-hand-side).
The type of automata which can recognise such a language is basically
a NFA/DFA with an infinitely-long list at its disposal to use as a
store; this is called a Turing machine.