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Formal Definition

Basically, a PDA is an NFA with a stack; formally we define a PDA as consisting of:

Basically, if $a \in \Sigma$, $t,u \in \Gamma$ and $P$ and $Q$ are states, a transition of the form

\mapsto (Q,u)\end{displaymath}

means ``read the symbol $\hbox{\lq }{a}\hbox{'}$ from the input, move from state $P$ to state $Q$, and replace the symbol $t$ on top of the stack with the symbol $u$''.

Obviously for this to happen we must be in state $P$, we must have $\hbox{\lq }{a}\hbox{'}$ as the next symbol on the input tape, and $t$ must be on top of the stack.

The actions push and pop are instances of the above transitions; for any stack symbol $t$, we have

A PDA is said to accept some string $x$ if and only if we can get:

from the start state with an empty stack and $x$ as input
to a finish state with an empty stack and an empty input.

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James Power 2002-11-29