Acronyms, Abreviations, Definitions and Glossary
2008 Nov 08
ABI : Application Binary Interface
ACB : Access Control Block
ACIA : Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter
ACK : acknowledge
ACL : Access Control List
ACM : Association of Computing Machinery
ActiveX : A MS Program used to create multimedia effects and interactive
content on the web
adware : same as spyware
AF : Address Family
AFP : AppleTalk Filing Protocol
AGP : Accelerated Graphics Port (bus)
Type |
Max Speed |
Max Throughput |
Details |
1x |
66MHz |
268MBps |
AGP 1.0 Spec. |
2X |
132MHz |
543MBps |
AGP 1.0 Spec. |
4X |
264MHz |
1064MBps |
AGP 2.0 Spec. |
8X (Pro) |
528MHz |
2128MBps |
AGP 3.0 Spec. |
AH : Authentication Header, part of IPSec
AIX : Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM UNIX)
AJAX : Asynchronous Javascript And XML
alt : the alternative set of newsgroups
AMR : Audio Modem Riser (slots)
ANSI : American National Standards Institute
AOCE : Apple Open Collaborative Environment
Apache : ???
API : Application Programming Interface
APPC : Advanced Program-to-Program Communications
applet : a resticted java program embedded in a web page
APPN : Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
APs : (wireless) Access Points
American Registry for Internet Numbers
ARP : Address Resolution Protocol
ARPA : Advanced Research Projects Agency
API : Application Program Interface
AS : Autonomous System
ASA : American Standards Association
ASCII : American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASN.1 : Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASP : A S P ??? (Microsoft) (see CGI)
ASPI : Advanced SCSI programming Interface
ATA : AT Attachement (slots)
ATM : Adobe Type Manager
AUI : Attachment Unit Interface
A/UX : Apple Unix
BBLT : Bus Block Transfer
Backup Domain Controller
BIND : Berkeley Internet Name Domain (server)
BGP : Border Gateway Protocol
BIOS : Basic Input/Output System
BLOG : Web Log - web sites used like a journal (can be added to by others)
bot : short for robot - SW (e.g. IRC) that automatically does something
BPDU : Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPEL : Business Process Execution Language
BSOD : blue screen of death
CAM : Content Addressable Memory
CC : Common Criteria (International security evaluation standard)
CDP : Cisco Discovery Protocol
chat : real-time type communications over internet
CIFS : Common Intenet File System
CLI : Command Line Interface
CGI : Common Gateway Interface
cgi-bin : common directory for CGI programs
CMS : Content Management System
COBOL : C O Business Oriented Language
COM : Component Object Model - A standard for binary obejcts to
query each others's capabilities and invoke them
COM+ : Component Object Model - A set of run time services
cookie : text file created by wb sites and stored on your machine containing state
CORBA : ???
CPD : Configuration Policy Definition (file)
CP/M : Control Program for Microcontrollers (predates DOS)
CSS : Cascading Style Sheet
CVS : Concurrent Versions System
DCOM : (MS) Distributed Component Object Model
DDE : Dynamic Data Exchange
DDOS : Distributed Denial of Service
DHCP : Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DLL : Dynamically-Linked Library
DMA : Direct Memory Access
DDNS : Dynamic DNS
DNS : Domain Name Server - translates names to IP addresses
DoD : Department of Defense
DoS : Denial of Service (attack)
DOS : Disk Operating System
DRAM : Dynamic Random Access Memory (read/write) - needs constant refreshing
DSL : Digital Subscriber Line
DSL : Domain Specific Language
DTP : Dynamic Trunking Protocol
EAI : Enterprise Application Integration
EBCDIC : (IBM's) Extended Binary C? Digital Information C?
Extensible Firmware Interface
EFS : Encrytpted File System (uses DES encryption)
ERP : Enterprise Resource Planning
Encapsulating Security Payload, part of IPSec
FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions (with answers)
FAT : File Attribute Table
FDDI : Fiber Distributed Data Interconnect
Firewall : hardware and/or software to control interface of computer with network, uses packet filtering and rule sets
Forensics : Processes by which computer or digital evidence is identified, preserved, analyzed, interpreted, and presented (Ref. [1] p.3) - can include bit-level copy of all media and drives.
FTP : File Transfer Protocol - port 21
FYI : for your information
Gateway : a network decice that switches between ?
GnuPG : Gni Privacy Guard
GPO : Group Policy Object
GUI : Graphical User Interface
Hardening : system configuration settings that make a system more secure
HMA : High Memory Area (first 64Kb of XMS)
HW : hardware
HTTP : HyperText Transport Protocol
ICANN : the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
IDE : Integerated Development Environment
IDE : Integerated Drive Electronics
IDT : Interrupt Dispatch tables
IEEE : Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
IETF : I? E? T? F?
IIS : (Microsoft's) Internet Information (web) Server/Service
IP : Internet Protocol
IMHO : in my humble opinion
IP Address : Address of a computer (sender or receiver) in an internet packet
IPSec : Internet Protocol Security
IPv4 : 4 byte IP's
IPv6 : 6 byte IP's
IRC : Internet Relay Chat (also a protocol)
IRQ : Interrupt ReQuest (signals)
ISA : Industray Standard Architecture (bus)
ISDN : Inf Services Digital Network - a digital phone service
ISL : Inter-Switch Link
ISO : International Organization for Standardization
JBI : Java Business Integration
JDK : Java Development Kit
JDT : Java Development Tools
JSR : Java Specification Request
JVM : Java Virtual Machine
KDC : Key Distribution Center - or Kerberos server
keylogging SW : SW that records keystrokes
L2TP : Layer Two Tunneling Protocol - provides encrypted network transmissions
LAN : Local Area Network (connected by hubs and switches but no routers)
LDAP : Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LEO : law enforcement officials
INQ : Language INtegrated Query
Locard's Exchange Principle : whenever two objects come into contact, a transfer of material occurs between them
M2T : Model to Text
MAC : Medium Access Control
MAC address : Medium Access Control address
MDA : Model Driven Architecture
MEMS : Micro ElectroMechanical Syste
MMDS : Multichannel Multipoint Distibted System
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
NAS : Network Attached Storage
NAT : Network Address Translation
NetBEIU : Network Basic Extended User Interface
NetBIOS : Network Basic Input/Output System
NIS : Network Information Service
NPH : No Parsed Headers (part of CGI)
NTFS : Network T? File System
OLE : Object Linking and Embedding
OMG : Object Management Group
OSI : Open Systems Interconnect (Reference Model)
OSPF : Open Shortest Path First protocol
OU : Organization Units
P2P : peer to peer
PAgP : Port Aggregation Interconnect
PBX : Private Branch eXchange (phone system)
PDA : Personal Digital Assistant
Primary Domain Controller
PDF : Portable Document Format (by Adobe)
PGP : Pretty Good Privacy
PHP : P? H? P?
PMG : Product Management Group
Policies : sysadmin settings, enabled services, rules for users (e.g. do not load SW)
POP : Point of Presence
PPP : Point-to-Point Protocol
PPTP : Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
Privilege escalation : when a computer user raises their privilige level
QVT : Query View Transformation
RAM : Random Access Memory (read/write)
RAS : Remote Access Service
RFC : Request For Comment
RFID : Radio Frequency IDentification
RIFF : Resource Interchange File Format
RIP : Routing Information Protocol
ROM : Read Only Memory
Router : a network switching device
RPC : Remote Procedure Call
SAS : Serial Attached SCSI
SCM : Software Configuration Management
SDK : Software Development Kit
Server : a computer that provides a service on a network
SHARE : Society to Help Alleviate Redundant Effort
SLIP : Serial Line Interface Protocol
SMB : Server Message Block
SMB : Small or Medium Business
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
SMTP : Send Mail T? Protocol - port 25
SNMP : Simple Network Management Protocol
SOA : Service Oriented Architecture
SPI : Software Process Improvement
spyware : a program that is installed (usually) when another program is installed (and usually without the user's knowledge) or as a browser helper object - that gathers information for later transmission over the net (e.g. what web pages one goes to), modifying web pages the user goes to by dynamically changing links
SQL : Structured Query Language
SSH : Secure Shell
SSH : Secure Shell
SSPI : Security Support Provider Interface - for authentication
SSI : Server Side Includes (usually *.css)
SSL : Secure Socket Layer
STP : Spanning-Tree Protocol
SW : software
TCP/IP : Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TIP : Transaction Internet Protocol
TLS : Transport Layer Security, see
RFC 2246
Trojan Horse : a program which pretends to be something else to gather data
UART : Universal Asynchornous Receiver/Transmitter
UDC : Universal Data Connector
UDF : Uniqueness Database File - is in the format of an answer file,
and contains settings that override those in the answer file. It provides
infomation partiuclar to a computer (e.g. name)
UDLD : UniDIrectional Link Detection
UDP : User Datagram Protocol
UMA : Upper Memory Area (the 384KB above 640KB)
UMBs : Upper Memory Blocks
UML : Unified Modeling Language
USB : Universal Serial Bus
VB : Visual Basic (a programming language with gui support)
VCS : Version Control Software (see CVS)
Virus : a prgram which alters other programs,
usually for malicious purposes
VLAN : Virtual (LAN) Local Area Network
VMM : Virtual Memory Manager
VPN : Virtual Private Network
VS : (Microsoft) Visual Studio
VSTE : (Microsoft) Visual Studio Team Edition
VSTS : (Microsoft) Visual Studio Team System
VPN : Virtual Private Network
VTP : VLAN Trunking Protocol
Worm : ?
WRT : with respect to
WSDL : Web Services Description Language
WSIF : (Apache) Web Service Invocation Framework
XML : eXtensible Markup Language
XMS : Extended Memory Blocks (all memory above 1MB)
XSLT : eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation
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