2008 Oct 18
Attributes | Coordinates | External Links | Objects | Tags | Time | Types |
Drawing in 2, 3, ... dimensions plus time (linear or event) gate sim reduce automata and graphs * draw graph with simulated annealing * state transitions: completeness (all OR==1), consistency (diff pair AND==0) * graph min coloring * min path * defined: graphically, by table, or by equations - translator to any form color mapper data to sound mapper encryption (merl + dimensional fold + tree/graph fold) pix (PNG, JPG, GIF) movies (AVI, ???) sound (MIDI, WAV, ???)VERSION
Absolute +Relative Model_Time Real_Time Relationship between Model_Time and Real_Time is: SYNC Model_Time value == Real_Time value TREL Model_Time value == Real_Time*value_m+value_a TREL Real_Time value == Model_Time*value_m+value_a