2008 Oct 04
Compound Objects |
Simple Objects |
Visualization Objects |
TEXT (or use HTML?) PATTERN H=h (2^h) W=w (2^w) POINT TRIANGLE RECTANGLE STAR num (point at: T|R|B|L) POLYGON num (point at: T|R|B|L|TL|TR|BL|BR) DIAMOND POLYGON LINE width style ... (single, multiple, wavy, ...) color | pattern | pix (pow2 width and height) END (if no obejct) is: SQUARE | SEMICIRCLE | TRIANGLE TL point OBJECT|ARROW(is tangent relative to up of object, default angle is 0) point size is fixed|relative(to width) END is {fixed | attached} to vertex|edge|center(point shows at edge BR point OBJECT|ARROW(is tangent relative to up of object, default angle is 0) point size is fixed|relative(to width) END is {fixed | attached} to vertex|edge|center(point shows at edge intersection) EQUATION = ... optional expresion in terms of state of object at tail (heads subject to completeness and consistency tests) head can touch a connector (to another state on another page - has automatic hyperlink) MULTILINE VERTEX is: FIXED|RELATIVE ARC RADIUS=uint UNITS=units line or closed circular pie SPLINE MODE = OPEN | CLOSED ELLIPSE (h/w==1 is a circle)
ARRAY = X | Y | XY num, offset of object SHAPE (i.e. macro) num sub objects, each with relative offset GROUP (like an unnamed macro and instance collapsed)
BUTTON size show=(text, color, pix) {up, down, hover?} RADIO CHECKBOX SIZE:(h==w?) STYLE=(color, text, pix) OPTION
Color mapper (input range, number of sections) [Each section has a sub range, and either a color transform or lookup table with size] Object parameter mappers (one per parameter type - may affect multiple param) Data to sound mappers (max of two active ay any time)