Extensible Markup Language: XML
2008 Oct 04
For conformity to the XML standard, an XML document must be well-formed
and be valid. Related technologies:
- Style Sheet Languages:
- CSS - Cascading Style Sheets (element by element)
- XSL - XML Style Language (is XML too) can reorder parts, is context sensitive
and has two parts:
- XSLT - XSL Transformation (can convert to HTML, or perl, ...),
unlike CSS which only formats an element, XSLT can add or remove info
- XSL-FO - Formatting Objects, page layout (not yet well supported),
like Postcript (but without its Turing-complete programming language)
- URL - Uniform Resource Locaters
- URI - Uniform Resource Identifiers (superset of URL),
focus more on the resource and less on the location;
e.g. this is from book uri:isbn:0764547607
- XLinks - to connect XML documents, includes XPointers which can link to
internal parts of an XML doc with an A link.
- Unicode character sets
Document Type Definition (DTD)
A DTD defines the tags used in an XML document. It is a vocubulary and syntax and
specifies relations between elements and default values when no data is present or
what fields are required. For example, MOL.DTD is what defines Chemical
Markup Language (CML), or OFX is what defines Open Financial Exchange 2.0.
An XML document defines structure and meaning. Formatting (appearance) is added with
a style sheet.
Visual XML - shows XML as trees
Adobe FrameMake
txpad32.exe ???
Parsers (or Processors)
External Links
Actuate Corporation Home Page
alphaWorks XML
ebXML - Enabling A Global Electronic Market
Introduction to XML
POP3 Gateway Brand Middleware Processes POP3 E-mail and XML Data into Microsoft Exchange, SMTP
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1
W3C issues scalable vector graphics spec
Webmonkey _ authoring _ xml
What is XML_
XHTML 1.0_ The Extensible HyperText Markup Language
XML 101
XML.com XML From the Inside Out -- XML development, XML resources, XML specifications
XML.org -- Industry News
XSLT namespace
XML Download