2008 Oct 17
Property | Values | Initial Value | Applies to | Inherited | |
list-style | [ <list-style-image> || <list-style-position> || <list-style-type> ] | inherit | refer to specific property | elements whose display value is list-item | yes | |
list-style-image | <uri> | none | inherit | disc | elements whose display value is list-item | yes | |
list-style-position | inside | outside | inherit | outside | elements whose display value is list-item | yes | |
list-style-type | circle | decimal | decimal-leading-zero | disc | square | lower-greek | lower-latin | lower-roman | upper-latin | upper-roman | armenian | georgian | none | inherit | disc | elements whose display value is list-item | yes |
Also see counters as generated content for numbered lists and headings.
CSS+HTML | Results |
<ul style="list-style-image: url(li.gif);" > <li>once</li> <li>upon</li> <li>a time</li> </ul> |
CSS+HTML | Results |
.l_in { list-style-position: inside; border: 1px solid; } .l_out { list-style-position: outside; border: 1px dashed; } ... <ul> <li class=l_in>inside<br>next <li class=l_out>outside<br>after </ul> |
Besider border the margin and padding properties are also available to change. The position of the marker is defined by something like:
position: absolute; left: -1.5em;
Different browsers have different definitions of where the the background of a list is when shading or filling with an image. Some include the marker and some do not (see example). This is because some browsers (e.g. Firefox), as default use:
ul, ol { margin-left: 40px; >
and others (e.g. IE, Opera) use:
ul, ol { padding-left: 40px; >
It would be better to use 2.5em rather than 40px to scale with font size.
Unrecognized values are treated as decimal.
circle | disc | square | decimal | decimal- leading- zero |
lower- roman |
upper- roman |
lower- greek |
lower- latin |
upper- latin |
armenian | georgian | none |
The nesting order can be specified in the style as follows
(although there are some browser dependencies here):