Named Colors

2010 Feb 14

There is a background-color property, and the color property which is the foreground color.

Color Name Hexadecimal Short Hex Numeric Percent
aqua #00FFFF #0FF rgb(0,255,255) rgb(0%,100%,100%)
black #000000 #000 rgb(0,0,0) rgb(0%,0%,0%)
blue #0000FF #00F rgb(0,0,255) rgb(0%,0%,100%)
cyan #00FFFF #0FF rgb(0,255,255) rgb(0%,100%,100%)
fuchsia #FF00FF #F0F rgb(255,0,255) rgb(100%,0%,100%)
gray #808080 rgb(128,128,128) rgb(50%,50%,50%)
green #008000 rgb(0,128,0) rgb(0%,50%,0%)
lime #00FF00 #0F0 rgb(0,255,0) rgb(0%,100%,0%)
magenta #FF00FF #F0F rgb(255,0,255) rgb(100%,0%,100%)
maroon #800000 rgb(128,0,0) rgb(50%,0%,0%)
navy #000080 rgb(0,0,128) rgb(0%,0%,50%)
olive #808000 rgb(128,128,0) rgb(50%,50%,0%)
orange #FF6600 #F60 rgb(255,102,0) rgb(100%,40%,0%)
purple #800080 rgb(128,0,128) rgb(50%,0%,50%)
red #FF0000 #F00 rgb(255,0,0) rgb(100%,0%,0%)
silver #C0C0C0 rgb(192,192,192) rgb(75%,75%,75%)
teal #008080 rgb(0,128,128) rgb(0%,50%,50%)
yellow #FFFF00 #FF0 rgb(255,255,0) rgb(100%,100%,0%)
white #FFFFFF #FFF rgb(255,255,255) rgb(100%,100%,100%)

Web safe colors avoid dithering, by having each of the three colors (RGB) have values of only:
