2008 Dec 22
translate | scale | rotate | skewX | skewY |
multiple transforms |
The x and y attributes of the <use> element give a simple translation mechanism, and are a short hand for the more general form of:
<g id="thing">...</g> <use xlink:href="thing" transform="translate(20.2,40)"/>where 20.2 is the x value and 40 is the y value.
The size of an object can be altered with the scale transform which has two signatures:
transform="scale(mval)"which multiplies all x and y coordinates by mval.
transform="scale(x-mval,y-mval)"which multiplies all x coordinates by x-mval and all y coordinates by y-mval.
Note that scale() will effect stroke-thinkness because of the change in user coordinates.
The angular coordinate system in in degrees and has 0 degrees in the plus X direction (rightward), and then clockwise from there. Thus 90 degrees is in the plus Y direction (downward). Unless specified otherwise, the center of rotation is at the origin (0,0). Example:
<g id="thing">...</g> <use xlink:href="thing" transform="rotate(36)"/>The more general form is:
The following causes all x-coordinates to be skewed by angle, which leaves horizontal lines unchanged an vertical rotated with respect to the origin.
The following causes all y-coordinates to be skewed by angle, which leaves vertical lines unchanged and horizontal lines rotated with respect to the origin.
Multiple transforms for an object can be specified by having them be space separated as in the following example:
<g id="thing">...</g> <use xlink:href="thing" transform="scale(3.1415) translate(20.2,40)"/>which is equivalent to:
<g transform="scale(3.1415)"> <g translate(20.2,40)"/> ... </g> </g>
To scale by a factor f around a point x y other than the origin do:
translate(-x*(f-1),-y*(f-1)) scale(f)It is also recommended to divide stroke-width by f.