Network Protocols

2009 Mar 07

See RFC 1700 Assigned Numbers
Protocol Uses Port RFC Means
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol
DDP ? ? D D Protocol
DHCP ? ? Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS UDP/IP 53 Domain Name Service queries and responses
DTP ? ? Dynamic Discovery Protocol
FTP TCP/IP ? File Transfer Protocol
GGP ? ? Gateway to Gateway Protocol
HTTP Web 80 HyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTPS ? ? Secure HTTP
ICMP ? ? Internet Control Message Protocol
IGMP ? ? Interet Group Management Protocol
IP ___ Internet Protocol
IPSec ? ? Secure Internet Protocol
L2TP ? ? Layer Two Tunneling Protocol - provides encrypted network transmissions
LDAP ? ? Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
NBNS ? ? N B N S
NTP ? ? Network Time Protocol
OSPF ? ? Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol
PAgP ? ? Port Aggregation Protocol
POP TCP 25 Post Office Protocol
PPTP ? ? Point to Point Tunneling Protocol, see: paper (only works in Native Mode, and does not work with other PPTP implementations)
RIP ? ? Routing Information Protocol
SMTP ? ? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP UDP/IP 161 Simple Network Management Protocol
SNTP ? ? 1361 Simple Network Time Protocol, Ver 4
STP Spanning-Tree Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
Telnet ? ? a remote command-line interface
TFTP ? ? Trivial File Transfer Protocol - UDP/IP port 69
TIP ? ? Transaction Internet Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
VTP VLAN Trunking Protocol

RealPlayer Data uses UDP/IP (range of ports including 7070) for streaming audio and video (recovery from errors is less important than speed).

all internet RFC's
