vi Options

2009 Mar 01

Common Option Selections
(To see a complete list of options, enter :set all.)

Option Abrev Default Meaning
autodindent ai noai Controls indent commands
autoprint ap ap
autowrite aw noaw automatically saves file (write) before searches, control codes, escapes to shell
beautify bf nobf
directory dir /tmp
edcompatible noedcompatible
errorbells eb eb
exrc ex noex Look for and execute ./.exrc
hardtabs ht 8 Use tabs stops
ignorecase ic noic Replacements and search ignore case
lisp nolisp modify )( }{ ][ to be compatible with lisp
list nolist show tabs (^I) and ends of lines ($)
magic magic allows metacharacters; with nomagic, these only include <Control> and $
mesg mesg
novice nonovice
number nu nonu Show line numbers
open open
optimize opt noopt
paragraphs para IPLPPPQP LIpplpipbp
prompt prompt
readonly ro noro make file status read only
redraw re simulate smart terminal on dumb
remap remap
report 5
scroll half window
sections sect SHNHH HU
shell sh /bin/sh pathname of new shell for ! and :sh (default from $SHELL if present)
shiftwidth sw 8 autoindent/shift size
showmatch sm nosm show matching ( or { when ) or } is entere
showmode noshowmode
slowopen slow
tabstop ts 8 Used by hardtabs
tablength tl 0
tags tags /usr/lib/tags
tagstack tagstack
term (from $TERM) name of terminal being used; set by Unix $TERM
terse noterse provide shorter error diagnostics
warn warn
window w
wrapscan ws ws
wrapmargin wm 0 cause lines to be broken at least n spaces from right edge of screen
writeany wa nowa
