
2008 Oct 18

A keyword is a special identifier with a particular meaning to the syntactical part of the compiler. The following tokens (entirely in lower case only) are reserved for use as keywords, and cannot be used for any other purpose.

asm auto 1 2 3 break case char 1 2 const continue
default do double else enum extern 1 2 3 float
for global 1 goto 1 2 3 if inline int long 1 2
register 1 2 return short signed switch sizeof static 1 2 3 4
struct typedef union unsigned void volatile while

In addition to these keywords, some compilers for particular machines also use, but are not limited to, the following keywords:

cdecl far fortran huge near pascal interrupt

Note that these represent non portable extensions to the 'C' language. Most compilers which have such extensions, have a means (e.g. a command line switch or a pragma) which will cause warning messages to be generated if any such extension is used.
