
The header file contains prototypes for functions that perform mathematical operations. They represent only a small fraction of the possible mathematical functions that one could want. For more sophisticated mathematics (e.g. matrix and symbolic manipulations) one can buy third party packages to add to your compiler's library. These functions include:

    acos()   atan2()    ceil()   exp()     fmod()    modf()   sqrt()
    asin()   bessel()   cos()    fabs()    log()     pow()    tan()
    atan()   cabs()     cosh()   floor()   log10()   sin()    tanh()

These functions perform trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential, logarithmic and other calculations. There is also a way to report or recover from standard mathematical exceptions, such as division by zero, taking the square root of a negative number, and overflowing or underflowing a floating point number.

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