Perl Truth Value

What is Truth?

  • Any string is true except for "" and "0".
  • Any number is true except for 0.
  • Any reference is true.
  • Any undefined value is false (implictly by first rule).

Truth is evaluated in a scalar context.

What is the truth of a list?

There is no perl opeartion that will return a list
in a scalar context, they all return a scalar value instead.

0# would become the string "0",
so false
1# would become the string "1",
so true
10 - 10# 10-10 is 0, becomes the string "0",
so false
0.00# becomes 0, converts to string "0",
so false
"0"# the string "0",
so false
""# the null string,
so false
"0.00"# the string "0.00", neither empty nor
exactly "0", so true
"0.00" + 0# the number 0 (coerced by the +),
so false
\$a# a reference to $a, so true,
even if $a is false
undef()# a function returning the
undefined value, so false