Escape character | Meaning |
\a | alarm, bell, BEL |
\e | escape, ESC |
\f | form feed, FF |
\n | newline, LF-CR |
\r | return, CR |
\t | tab, HT |
\033 | octal char (starts with 0) |
\x33 | hex char (starts with x) |
\x{263A} | wide hex char (Unicode smiley) |
\c | control char, e.g. "\cz" is ctrl-z |
\N{name} | named char, see: "man charnames" |
\l | force next char to lower case |
\u | force next char to upper case |
\L | force all following char to lower case (or till \E) |
\U | force all following char to upper case (or till \E) |
\Q | quote (disable) pattern metacharacters till \E;
Cannot include a literal "$" or "@" within a "\Q" sequence. An unescaped "$" or "@" interpolates the corresponding variable, while escaping will cause the literal character "\$" to be matched. |
\E | end case modification for \U \L \Q |