Normal Escape Characters
in a Perl Expression

Escape character Meaning
\a alarm, bell, BEL
\e escape, ESC
\f form feed, FF
\n newline, LF-CR
\r return, CR
\t tab, HT
\033 octal char (starts with 0)
\x33 hex char (starts with x)
\x{263A} wide hex char (Unicode smiley)
\c control char, e.g. "\cz" is ctrl-z
\N{name} named char, see: "man charnames"
\l force next char to lower case
\u force next char to upper case
\L force all following char to lower case (or till \E)
\U force all following char to upper case (or till \E)
\Q quote (disable) pattern metacharacters till \E;
Cannot include a literal "$" or "@" within a "\Q" sequence.
An unescaped "$" or "@" interpolates the corresponding
variable, while escaping will cause the literal character
"\$" to be matched.
\E end case modification for \U \L \Q