Perl Control and Conditional Statements,
Statement Modifiers
(and Conditional Operator)
In Perl conditionals and loops are defined in terms of a block
rather than a statement (as in C) so curly braces are always required.
Conditional Control Statements
if(cond) {
# if cond is true evaluate statements in block surrounded by curly braces,
# curly braces are required
if(cond) {
# stuff
} else {
# more stuff
if(cond) {
} elsif(cond2) {
} elsif(cond3) {
} else {
unless(cond) {
# if !cond is true evaluate statements in block surrounded by curly braces
# no extra clause (elsunless)
Unconditional Control Statement (actually function)
goto LABEL # example # label:
goto EXPR # an expression that evaluates to a label name
goto &NAME
One can construct a FORTRAN like computed goto as follows:
goto ("FOO", "BAR", "JUNK")[$i];
(May not work in compiled perl).
Loop Control Statements
while(cond) {
# repeat block while cond is true
until(cond) {
# repeat block while !cond is true
while(@ARGV) {
process(shift @ARGV); # fifo pop
# loop terminates when @ARGV is exhausted
do BLOCK # executes commands in block, returns last expression value
# when modified by a loop modifier the block
# is executed once before testing the condition.
do SUBROUTINE(LIST) # deprecated form of subroutine call
do EXPR # evaluates EXPR as a filename and executes
# the contents of the file as a Perl script. (See @INC array).
for(init; test; step) {
# where init test step are expressions, like in C
foreach $user (@users) {
# This block is executable for each element of array @users (or more
# generally over any list), where loop variable $user is a reference
# to the element, not a copy.
# Note1 the the loop variable, $user in this case, is implcitly local
# to the loop, overriding a more global variable of the same name,
# e.g. declared with my().
# foreach is actaully an alias for for.
foreach $key (sort keys %hash) {
# loop over sorted keys of a hash.
Loop Control Commands
# a loop (or any statement) can be labeled and referered to:
LINE: while($line=) {
last LINE if $line eq "\n"; # stop on first blank line
next LINE if $line =~ /^#/; # skip comment lines
next; # inside a loop skips to end of current loop (C: continue;)
next LABEL; # continue with next iteration of loop with LABEL
last; # inside a loop leaves current loop (C: break;)
last LABEL; # leave loop with LABEL
redo; # restart a loop without doing test or step
redo LABEL; # restart loop with LABELwithout doing test or step
A BLOCK by itself (labeled or not) is semantically
equivalent to a loop that executes once. Thus you can use last
to leave the block or redo to restart the block. A next
will also exit the once-through block but will execute a
continue block, while a lastdoes not.
There is no case or multiway switches in Perl, but you can construct a
labelled block that looks like it:
if(/^abc/) { $abc=1; last SWITCH; }
if(/^def/) { $def=1; last SWITCH; }
if(/^xyz/) { $xyz=1; last SWITCH; }
Simple Statement Conditional Modifier
Any simple statement may optionally be followed by a single modifier just
before the terminating semicolon (or block ending). The possible modfiers are:
statement if EXPR;
statement unless EXPR;
statement while EXPR;
statement until EXPR;