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Common Criteria Documents
The Common Criteria Standard is split into three major sections:

CC Section 1 | download PDF | 292KB
Presents a general overview of the standard

CC Section 2 | download PDF | 1,172KB
Details the functional requirements in the standard

CC Section 3 | download PDF | 747KB
Details the assurance requirements in the standard

The Common Evaluation Methodology provides guidance to the evaluation laboratories on how each requirement is to be evaluated. This information can be invaluable because it allows the developer to know specifically how the laboratory will test the product for a specific requirement.

CEM 1 | download PDF | 223KB
Provides an overview and terminology

CEM 2 | download PDF | 1,250KB
Details the testing requirements for EAL 1-4

This lists various documents that call out Common Criteria as part of their IA requirements: Corsec's Federal Directives and Standards page.

A white Paper entitled "the Common Criteria Evaluation Process" written by Ruben Prieto-Diaz of the Commonwealth Information Security Center at James Madison University.

This is a 73 page guide for the basic robustness protection profiles Protection Profile Consistency Guidance for Basic Robustness produced by the Protection Profile Review Board.

This is a 87 page guide for the medium robustness protection profiles Protection Profile Consistency Guidance for Medium Robustness produced by the Protection Profile Review Board.

This is a 135 page guide for the production of protection profiles and security targets in general produced by the ISO, and still in draft form.

Call Corsec at (703) 267-6050 to speak with a Common Criteria Engineer today, or email questions to Corsec

Corsec Security, Inc.
10340 Democracy Lane
Suite 201
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Copyright 2004 Corsec Security, Inc.
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