SQL Links
2008 Oct 18
Welcome - SQL Database Reference Material - Learn sql, read an sql manual,
follow an sql tutorial, or learn how to structure an SQL query!
SQL Server WorldWide User Group Help Center (SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, XML)
Welcome - SQL Database Reference Material - Learn sql, read an sql manual,
follow an sql tutorial, or learn how to structure an SQL query!
Java & SQL (JDBC)
JDBC Technology
Java 2 Platform SE v1.3.1: Package java.sql
hsqldb at SourceForge.net
MS SQL Server
SQL Server Home
SQL Server Developer Center
SQL Server User Group - PASS
SQL Server Information at SQLTeam.com
SQLSecurity.com > Home
Microsoft SQL Server: Downloads
SQL Server WorldWide User Group Help Center (SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, XML)
Visual Studio:
MySQL: The World's Most Popular Open Source Database
Developersdex - SQL
Brad Choate: SQL Plugin
Oracle PL/SQL
PL/SQL Technology Center
Oracle FAQ: Software tool reviews for Oracle Developers and DBAs
Oracle/SQL Tutorial
Oracle: SQL*Plus Tutorial
SQL Reference and Example Site * featuring * Cinema SQL
SQL Reference Page
SQL for Web Nerds
JCC's SQL Std. Page
SQL FAQ: Table of Contents
DevGuru SQL Syntax Introduction
Linux SQL Databases and Tools
SQL Ledger
SQL-Ledger Accounting
A Gentle Introduction to SQL
Programmingtutorials.com - Free Online Programming Tutorials
SQLCourse - Interactive Online SQL Training for Beginners
SQL Introduction
SQL Tutorial 1
SQL Tutorial 2
SQL Tutorial 3
SQL Tutorial 4