CAD, CAE, Math, Graphics Software

2012 May 07

Name Categories Notes
Aegis Manufacturing, GUI Design Web-based dashboard widgets
Algor Mechanical Design
ANSYS CFD, Mechanical, Multiphysics
Bool Utility for finding files that match a boolean expression
COMSOL Electromagnetics, Multiphysics
DADisp Engineering spreadhseet and data visualization tool
Dia Diagramming Open source Visio replacement
EventHorizon (Muse) Virtual Reality ++
ExpressPCB Printed Circuit Board Layout
Flomerics Thermal, fluid, electromagnetic Response Surface Optimization
Flow3D Fluid Dynamics
FreePCB Printed Circuit Board Layout
Gnuplot Mathematical plots in 2D and 3D. 1 2 3 4 5
Gnu Octave Performs mathematical computations
(mostly compatible with MATLAB)
1 2 3
Graphviz Graph Visualualization (open source) 1 2 3 4 5 6
gperf Perfect hash generator. 1 2 3 4
gv View and navigate through PostScript and PDF
documents on an X display by providing a GUI for
the Ghostscript interpreter.
1 2 3
LabView Electronics
Mathematica Mathematics, Graphics, Visualization
Matlab Mathematics, Presentation,
Simulation, Visualization
Nastran Mechanical
Origin 8 Data analysis and graphing
Phoenix Presentation, Visualization
Qhull Computes the convex hull. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Graphics download
Algorithms, Compression,
Cryptography, Graphics, ...
Simulia Mechanical, finite element
SolidWorks Mechanical Modeling
SYSTAT Statistics
TinyCAD Graphical Digital Design Editor XML file output
