Next: Closure of Regular Languages
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Previous: Further Properties of Regular
The last type of FSA that we need to look at is the total DFA -
this has properties which we will need in the next section.
A total FSA is one where each state has exactly one transition to some
other state for every input symbol. Thus there are no ``gaps''
in the transition table for the machine: given any state and any input
symbol, it will always be possible to make a transition.
We can convert any ordinary DFA to a total DFA as follows:
- Create some new state
, which we will use for ``stuck''
- For each input symbol, make a transition from state
itself: thus it is never possible to leave this state.
- For each other state
, and for every possible input symbol
, check to see if
has an outgoing transition on
; if it
doesn't, then make a new transition from
It can be easily seen that this DFA is total.
Next: Closure of Regular Languages
Up: Further Properties of Regular
Previous: Further Properties of Regular
James Power