At any stage during a parse, when we have derived some sentential form (that is not yet a sentence) we will potentially have two choices to make:
Eg. in the above example, when we derived , we could then
have applied a production rule to any of these three non-terminals,
and would then have had to choose among all the production rules for
The first decision here is relatively easy to solve: we will be
reading the input string from left to right, so it is our own interest
to derive the leftmost terminal of the resulting sentence as soon as
possible. Thus, in a top-down parse we always choose the leftmost
non-terminal in a sentential form to apply a production rule to - this
is called a leftmost derivation.
If we were doing a bottom-up parse then the situation would be
reversed, and we would want to do apply the production rules in
reverse to the leftmost symbols; thus we are performing a rightmost derivation in reverse.
For example, a bottom-up rightmost derivation would look like:
Note that this has no effect on the parse tree; we still get: