We have seen that the regular languages are closed under common set-theoretic
operations; the same, however, does not hold true for context-free languages.
Lemma: The context-free languages are closed under union, concatenation
and Kleene closure.
That is, if and
are context-free languages, so are
We will prove that the languages are closed by creating the appropriate grammars.
Suppose we have two context-free languages, represented by grammars
with start symbols and
First of all, rename all the terminal symbols in the second grammar so that
they don't conflict with those in the first. Then:
Lemma: The context-free languages are not closed under
That is, if and
are context-free languages, it it not always true
is also.
We will prove the non-closure of intersection by exhibiting a counter-example.
Consider the following two languages:
The intersection of these languages is:
Lemma: The context-free languages are not closed under
That is, if is a context-free language, it it not always true
is also.
Proof: (By contradiction)
Suppose that context-free languages are closed under complementation.
Then if and
are context-free languages, so are
Since we have proved closure under union,
must also
be context-free, and, by our assumption, so must its complement
However, by de Morgan's laws (for sets),
so this must also be a context-free language.
Since our choice of and
was arbitarary, we have contradicted the non-closure
of intersection, and have thus proved the lemma.